Friday, March 11, 2011

Pregnancy: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

The Good

1. So far, I have to say I like being pregnant. I love how Little C can be quiet and not move for such a long time, but when I start to say "our" prayers at night, the little turkey starts moving and kicking. I guess he/she likes to pray too :)

2. Over the belly maternity pants. I've always thought they looked funny but when I bought my first pair of maternity jeans that had that kind of panel (they were on clearance, yay), I was instantly hooked. I love them!

3. Nails, nails, longer stronger nails!

The Bad

1. Having to remember to keep said longer and stronger nails trimmed! They're like 20 (toes included) little dangerous weapons!

2. I'm eating a lot of sweets, which I normally don't do. Bacon and eggs for breakfast? No thank you. Give me some pancakes or donuts or sugary cereal. I'll be honest. I consumed a box of Lucky Charms in 2 days. I think Anthony may have had one bowl. Would I normally buy Lucky Charms? Nope. Go figure. This baby definitely has Anthony's sweet tooth!

3. Trying to tie my tennis shoes. I don't think I'm even that big...yet, but I seriously have to take a deep breath in order to bend over (while sitting) to tie my shoes. Looks like I need to find some slip on sneakers. Thank goodness flip flop season is back. Not that I ever stopped wearing them in the winter anyway :)

4. Bye bye self pedicures? The answer may have to be a yes. I tried to do my toes myself last night. I'm too cheap to go get them done. That was a chore. I did it though. Stronger longer nails cut, old red paint taken off and a pretty aqua(ish) blue color put back on. It only took me a little over an hour to do. Not too bad.

The Ugly

1. Body odor. I know, it's disgusting. I'm sorry. But it's the truth. I have tried just about every brand/type of deodorant and have had to make the switch to what Anthony uses. An Old Spice men's deodorant. If that's not ladylike enough, I have to put the stuff on AT LEAST twice a day. I stink! haha! I miss smelling like a girl!

2. I feel like a side show act at a circus. "Come one, come all! Come see the bearded lady who's growing another human in her body!" UGH, I swear! I keep thinking that when people talk about a beard they're talking about Anthony not having shaved for a couple of days. Wrong! They're talking about me! :( Don't get me wrong, I try to keep those suckers in check. Pluck, pluck, pluck and pluck some more. So fun...

3. Trying to get out of the car. Yeah, it's ugly. I can only imagine that it's just going to get worse as I get bigger and further along. Can't wait...

4. Gas. Thank goodness it's not from the stinky side!! (I'll leave that to Anthony, haha!) I've always been a pretty good burper. Man, oh man am I awesome at it now! I could beat any frat boy in a burping contest. I'm proud of my ability, it's funny. I'll just let one out for no reason. Not necessarily because of something I ate or drank, just out of the blue. I chose to list this under "the ugly" because Anthony thinks it's disgusting and not lady like. Oh well, he's just jealous :)

That's all I can think of so far. I'm sure there's stuff I'm leaving out. When/if I remember them, I'll make a part two post.

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