Monday, March 7, 2011

Dallas Mavs vs Memphis Grizzlies

Final Score

Mavs - 103 Grizzlies - 104

Thank you, thank you, thank you to our friends Karin and Brian! They were so kind as to invite us out to a Mavs game. Not just any Mavs game, Courtside seats at a Mavs game! Holy cow! We were 3rd row back. We could spit on the players if we wanted to! I always thought Jason Terry was cute, but he's adorable in person :)

Anyway, Karin scored the tickets for us and we had a fantastic night out. It would have been nice if we had won, but we lost in the last 3 seconds of the game. Victory was in reach but the other team snatched it up at the last second...literally. Such a good game!

We really appreciate Karin and Brian's kindness! Thank you guys so much for that awesome opportunity! We'll never forget it!

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