Monday, January 10, 2011

Being Pregnant So Far

When I found out that I was pregnant, I decided that I wanted to keep a "daily" log. I found a journal that I liked and decided that I would do just that. Well...that hasn't really happened. I always have good intentions when it comes to stuff like that. I started it, but haven't kept it up. Maybe today's the day I'll do a recap of things that have happened and try to write in it daily. Yes. That's one of my New Year's Resolutions! I can do it! In the mean time, so that family and friends who want to hear about what's happening, I'll try and journal on here too.

So, let's start!

The first three months were pretty easy. I have to say that I've been blessed so far. Apparently I found out that Anthony and I were expecting just a few weeks in. Maybe 3 weeks along, if that. We had been down in Houston for a QuinceaƱera, and I felt like I was catching a cold or had bad allergies while we were there. I was taking any cold medicine I could and taking allergy pills. So fun! We came home on Sunday and for some strange reason, I decided to take a test Monday morning. Anthony got up with me and he started getting ready to go for a run. While he was doing that, I snuck a test that I had bought at the dollar store to the other bathroom. I didn't think anything would come of it. When that second line showed up, I sat on the edge of the tub and was shocked! I kept standing up and sitting back down. Up and down, hand over my mouth. The line was there. It was light, but it was there. I thought, no way, it's a dollar store test. So, while Anthony was in the kitchen, I ran and grabbed the other dollar store test and snuck it back into the bathroom. Took it and waited. Again, a second line showed up. I started thinking, okay that's two positive tests. Yes they're both from the dollar store, but they were both positive! Hmm... so, I got ready and went to work.

I started to lose my voice while I was at work and didn't feel much better. So when I got home that evening I went to an after care clinic to see if they could give me anything to make me feel better. There, they confirmed that I was pregnant with a urine test. Unfortunately, they didn't give me anything to help me feel better. I had to wait it out.

So I found out on a Monday and ended up sharing the big news with Anthony on Thursday. Yes. I waited. I wanted to tell him in a fun way. So, I went and bought a pink onsie and a white onsie. On the white one I wrote "Little Cisco" in blue. On the pink one I wrote "Little Conchachita" in dark pink. We have always joked that if we ever had kids we were going to name them those names. Silly, we know. I also bought a digital test and took it. That one said "pregnant" so that was 4 positive tests in a matter of days. I wrapped it all up and gave it to him. Needless to say I think he was shocked and surprised. Unfortunately the digital test was blank! Stupid expensive test! The two dollar store ones I had taken on Monday still had the second line on them. (Just goes to show, a test from the dollar store is just as good as an expensive digital one!) In any case, we were both shocked!

So since then it's been interesting. I had a run in with a rake (see previous post Kristy vs. the Rake from October 2010), which eventually caused a visit to the ER a few weeks later because I was coughing up a lot of blood. After the ER visit, an appointment with a pulmonary specialist and then an appointment with an ENT doctor who then gave me a scope, no one could find anything wrong with me. I'm convinced that I was coughing up the blood that was from the swelling and two black eyes I got from stepping on that darn rake. Knock on wood, I've been fine since that two day coughing fit.

What else? I was very lucky in the fact that I never really had any morning sickness. I got nauseous a few times but never hugged the toilet. I just slept...a lot! I would fall asleep at my desk (oops!) during the day, come home, eat dinner, fall asleep on the couch, then wake up around 10 PM or so and get ready for bed. That's all I did for the longest time! Sleep, sleep, sleep :)

I decided to go with a midwife group. I want to try this the natural way. Fingers crossed, I'll be strong enough mentally and physically to make that happen!

The Thursday before Christmas I woke up in the middle of the night to a horrendous pain in my left side and back. It was so bad it was making me nauseous and I was vomiting a lot. I decided not to go into work. I called my doctors office and they suggested that I go to the ER. It sounded like kidney stones. Fun. Well, after being in the ER for about 5 hours, they couldn't find anything wrong. Of course they could have done more extensive testing but I didn't want to put Little C in any kind of harm. So, they finally diagnosed me with round ligament pain. Huh? How come I hadn't read anything about that?? And why did the hospital decide to give me a low dose of vicodin on my way out?? Thanks for that! Anyway, longer story short, by Christmas Day evening I had done a complete 180. I was actually eating food and playing (somewhat) with my nephews. Big change from barely being able to eat a slice of bread so that I could take my anti nausea pill and 3 regular strength Tylenol every 6 hours. That was a chore! I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat. UGH! Horrible!

The fun part of Christmas was the way we told our families about the baby. We framed a recent sonogram picture and included a card that said "Merry Christmas Nana and Papop! See you in early June 2011! Love, Little C". Needless to say, I think everyone was surprised. Yay!

That's pretty much the excitement so far. I will say that I accidentally laid down on the bed the other day on my stomach and felt pressure for the first time. Guess I can't do that anymore :) Sorry Little C! Momma didn't mean to squish you!

All in all, Anthony and I are very excited. We're so blessed that God has decided to grace us with such a wonderful gift! I hope we don't let Him down!!

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