Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day 2011!

Happy Valentine's Day from our family to yours!

It's been a great day! After two long months, Anthony and I finally got to see Little C. Why so long? Well, I lost my job at the end of last year which means I lost our insurance coverage. So, I've had to wait to get things straightened out. Now that everything is set, we were able to get back to the doctor to check things out.

Since I have to have my blood pressure monitored, I have to see an obstetrics doctor along with my midwife group. The obstetrics office is where we get to see Little C! Yay! Anthony actually got some video coverage. It's not the best. He shot video off of the huge TV screen they use for a monitor. We got a lot of good pictures. The poor little thing was pretty much folded in half. His/her feet were above it's head! It definitely gets its flexibility from me :) We also learned that the poor thing has my chin. At least it looks that way from the front. In a profile view though, it doesn't stick out like mine does...yet, so there's still hope!

In any case, we were so excited to see Little C move around! The doctor said it's about 1.5 pounds now and my due date is still somewhere between June 4th and June 12th. So far, so good!

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