Of course, we had to take him to the Stockyards. What better way is there to welcome a California man to DFW than with the smell of livestock? He loved it, I know he did! (haha) He tried his hardest to "fit in" with his Texas accent. While I give him credit for trying, it was bad. Sorry Kap, your "y'alls" need a tad bit more work :)

We did get him to try on a hat or two. He didn't get one because he says his "noggin" is too big. Everything's bigger in Texas Kap, we would have found you one!

He claims he's not much of a drinker. The man had more margarita's than I did! It's too bad that we didn't get him drunk. He'd a been a hoot to mess with! haha
We got him to sit on a horse. Well, sort of. I tried to talk him into getting on a mechanical bull but he wasn't having it. So I guess to compromise, he got on a mechanical horse. The poor little kids were begging him to get off so they could ride it! Haha, just kidding. We didn't put any money in the horse. He wasn't properly padded up and we didn't want him getting hurt in case he fell off. In the end though (pun intended), he went home saying that he got to touch some Texas ass :)

Kap's a Doger's fan. Unfortunately they weren't playing while he was here, so we took him to the Ballpark to watch the Rangers play the Angels. Little did we know, they moved the game up so we missed the first inning or so. That sucked, but we still had fun.

The Rangers won 3-2. Go Rangers! What a great shot of an Angel taking the "walk of shame". See ya suckahs :P

The Rangers won 3-2. Go Rangers! What a great shot of an Angel taking the "walk of shame". See ya suckahs :P

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